The guest list template files are installed onto your computer in the folder below:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mountaincow\PrintingPress\Import Templates\
Email your customer the guest list template and have them fill it out and email it back to you. Not all of the columns need to be filled in. When you receive the file, open it in Excel and choose Save As and select CSV (comma separated value) as the file Save As Type. Then choose Import Guest List in the Guest List menu and select the CSV file you saved.
If the customer prefers to type the guest list in Word, the file would be saved as Text (.txt) in the format below:
Guest Name
Guest Name (line 2, etc)
Table Number
Guest Name 2
Guest Name 2 (line 2, etc)
Table Number
A guest list may also be entered manually by choosing New Guest in the Guest List menu or selecting recipients in the Mailing List and choosing Assign Table to add them to the Guest List.
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